American Flag Cake Recipe


  • 1 Pint sized container of Blueberries
  • 2 Quart sized containers of Strawberries
  • 1 Large sized container of Cool Whip brand topping, or better yet Home made Whipped Cream
  • Butter Style Yellow Cake Mix


  • Prepare blueberries by washing in a strainer and removing any undesirables and stems.
  • Prepare Strawberries by washing, hulling, and cutting them in half.
  • Cook Butter Style Yellow Cake Mix as directed using a rectangular bake pan.
  • After your cake has cooled remove it from pan and place on a serving platter.
  • Cover the entire cake (all sides except the bottom) with whipped cream or topping.
  • Carefully arrange your blueberries in the top left hand corner using as many blueberries as you possibly can fit there.
  • Carefully arrange strawberry halves in lines starting at the top of your cake, extending out from the blueberry square. Make sure all of you strawberries are lined up evenly, and facing in the same direction, tops facing the blueberries.
  • Again, don't scrimp. Use as many as you can fit in a row.
  • Continue to make lines of strawberries down the cake. Don't worry about leaving a lot of white cream showing, you want more berries. Trust me, the cake will still resemble an American Flag and will taste much better with more berries!
  • To finish your cake decorating, use the remaining blueberries to form a border at the very bottom of your cake, lining the edge of the cake that touches the platter.

Ohhh my God I just love 4th July and this dessert. My kids are crazy about it too. It's so delicious and mouth melting. It's super easy to prepare it. I hope you like it.